Managed Print Services and the mood for change
More certainty in an uncertain world.
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Publish date: 16.01.23
So, what has this global mood for change got to do with Managed Print Services? Well potentially, quite a lot, especially if in 2023 you are considering - like so many others - changing your MPS provider for the better.
At Xeretec we’ve taken stock of how attitudes at a personal and professional level have changed since 2019. A study by MIT1 tracked sentiment in over 654 million location-identified social media posts on Twitter across over 100 countries between 1 Jan and 31 May 2020. It analysed the language terms used and found a pronounced mood drop 4.7 times greater than the normal weekend to Monday pre-Pandemic Monday ‘low’. In essence, the Pandemic was like a very, very bad Monday morning.
As we emerged from those restrictive lockdowns we soldiered on with a common spirit of working and living together in adversity, yet something seemed to change. No longer, in the UK for example, did people clap the NHS on a Thursday evening and call them heroes. They demanded better access to doctors and politicians promised immediate improvements. There was a reflection on what we do as individuals. The Pandemic period led to a re-evaluation of what many wanted out of life and their careers whilst enormous macro-economic changes took place.
In what was termed ‘The Great Resignation’ according to research by the likes of CMS Wire & Lumapps2 and others, in the UK for example, 70% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the Pandemic made them rethink about what they wanted out of their careers. This trend can be seen in Ireland also where 56% of Gen Z workers and 40% of millennials plan to leave their current roles within two years.3
Work patterns, expectations, and requirements have changed in business. This mood for change is even reaching the bastions of Managed Print contracts. There is no doubt printing requirements are dramatically different now from pre-pandemic days. And what was given a lower priority before, is no longer accepted as ‘OKish’ or ‘it will do’. It is no wonder that according to recent research by experts Quocirca4 60% of respondents say they will either definitely or possibly change their print provider at the refresh of their existing contract.
Luckily, making a positive difference is within easy reach. If you are one of those and are considering a switch to a new MPS provider this year then read on. Hopefully it will provide some certainty and peace of mind – one less thing to leave in the uncontrollable category.
Recent independent trusted sources make it easier to make a solid, dependable choice for the better with Xeretec, one of Europe’s most successful and experienced provider of Xerox Managed Print Services:
- We were honoured to be recognised in Dec at the prestigious PrintIT Awards for MPS Solution of the Year 2022 & Service Team of the Year 2022
- We offer award-winning Xerox technology (CRN MFP Range of the Year 2021)
- Xerox MPS has been a Magic Quadrant Leader every year since 2009 – Gartner and Quocirca
- The Xeretec eco-system leverages the Xerox 2022-2023 BLI Pacesetter award for comprehensive MPS programs
In 2023 what could a dialogue with Xeretec bring?
To find out more about how Xeretec Managed Print Services could help you in 2023 contact us here
1 MIT “Global evidence of expressed sentiment alterations during the Covid-19 pandemic,” appearing in Nature Human Behaviour
2 Retention Strategies For a Post-Pandemic World, Sept – Dec 2021
3 The Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey
4 Hybrid work demands evolution of Managed Print Services – Quocirca, Louella Fernandes on September 1, 2022